Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Countdown: 5 days

So the countdown is on...only 5 more days until I board a plane for Senegal. The challenge is to see if I can successfuly complete 6 graduate school applications, orchestral bowings for Tchaikovsky 5, and pack in a matter of 5 days. Can it be done? I'm not sure, but I most certainly am going to try. Boul fale.

In other news, it is currently 86 degrees in Dakar compared to a chilly 63 in Hanover. I am about to go rewrite my Senegalese hip hop paper once more. The connection between Public Enemy and Positive Black Soul continues to amaze me. "Boul fale" is Public Black Soul's best known hit. It is Wolof for "No worries." Boul fale. 5 days!

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